Spreading the word about the Game Audio Industry Study 2017!

Hello everyone,

some weeks have passed since the results of the Game Audio Industry Study 2017 were published. I am happy and thankful to see that the study indeed has received some attention!

There were presentations of the results at Devcom Conference (21st August) and SoundTrack Cologne (24th August), both in Cologne, Germany. It was great to discuss the findings with other professionals and teachers from within the industry. My impression was, that some findings from the study actually had some (hopefully positive) influence on the audience’s perception on the industry.

The study has also received some press coverage.
Martin Lorber and his EA Blog für digitale Spielkultur (Blog about the culture of digital gaming) dedicated a complete blog post to this study: https://spielkultur.ea.de/allgemein/game-audio-branche-in-deutschland-studie-veroeffentlicht/
Behind the Audio featured the study on their website, too: https://behindtheaudio.com/2017/08/results-game-audio-industry-study-2017-available-now/

I do hope that this coverage of the study can help in providing info and knowledge to many people. Thanks for everyone who has supported me in spreading the word about the Game Audio Industry Study 2017.


Welcome to this website!

Here you can read my blog posts about the game audio industry which I will publish from time to time. If you want to get reliable and realistic empirical information about the game audio industry, on this website you can also find the results of the Game Audio Industry Study 2017 which I conducted earlier this year. If you are interested in guided learning sessions for you or your students about the game audio industry and how to manage your business in this sector properly, you can request a workshop.

Feel free to send me an email if you have feedback, questions or if you simply want to get in contact with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

Yannick Süß